Crossing the Mist

It is with a professed uncertainty that I take each step, my strides suppressing an ever-present urge to either flee or collapse in an entangled heap of restrained apathy. As that which inspires looses the luster it once held, due to the demystifying effect of knowledge-my eyes grow dim with a fatigue that finds roots…

Beer Night#2

Hello all, I have left this train hanging for quite a while now, but I suppose the second edition of beer reviews from my beer night is about due. For our second beer review, Brunden and I sampled the Staropramen Lager. I have not tried a great deal of beers from Czech Republic, so I…


In a world of twitter, order-in lobsters, and Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, self-sacrifice is a concept that receives very little attention. Quite often, the idea is viewed with confusion, uncertainty, and-quite often, with hostility. Many view the term as synonymous to being a push-over; to allowing one’s self to be trod on by the masses.…

Who am I?

Self examination is, in all likelihood, the most important activity that can be undertaken by an individual who desires growth in life. Who am I? I am a manager, a husband, a friend. I am, in a very deep way, a part of the body of Christ-but what makes me my own essence? Who you…

Big, Harry, and Audacious

As is fairly evident, I have decided to change the appearance of my blog somewhat. The reason for this is simple-I want to redirect the purposefulness of my entries and return to my initial desire for creating the blog. At the outset, I had intended on using this blog to enterprise myself in a project…