Can Smoking a Pipe Be Gentlemanly?

I ask this question mostly because I love smoking a tobacco pipe, and I miss it since giving it up out of love for my wife (and her kisses). One of the reasons why I enjoyed it so much, however, was not the taste-it was the ambience that I became a part of while doing it. This…

Am I Too Young for Nostalgia?

The simple answer to the question above is…well…yes. I’m 25 years old, so I am most definitely too young for nostalgia. Yet, the world has changed rapidly since I was a child. The internet was something quite new when I was in highschool, and laptops were just beginning to gain traction. Smart phones were non-existent,…

Review: Cabaret at the Shaw

I know-I have absolutely no right to review a theatre production, given my one theatre class in University, and the three plays that I acted in during highschool. Regardless, I’m going to take the plunge, because I think that it helps me to explore the concept of theatre a little more. Theatre, I believe, is something…

Amazon: you monster!

May I rant? Oh wait…yes, this is a blog, which means there is nobody to stop me! For that matter, why else would one create a blog? Hmm. That may have to become another blog post. Regardless, here is my (somewhat mild and uncommitted) rant: Amazon makes me mad. Unfortunately, it makes me mad because…

I Used a Dirty Word…Discipline

This is not a self-help blog, but is also kinda is. That is why I am comfortable with writing about this topic. Partly for my own edification, but also partly to spread the news. I have heard references to a number of new movements toward self-discipline and resistance to self gratification recently. I cannot tell…