Hannah Arendt & the Modern Workplace

I have become a little obsessed with this book after finishing it a few weeks ago. I likely should have written this response to it a little sooner; but I wanted to let the book percolate a little more and see how it would play out in my life. Turns out, I can’t stop thinking…

Conscious Capitalism and Management

I have become incredibly passionate about the positive impact a business leader (“manager”) can have on employees’ lives. The influence on the wellbeing of a person’s mental and physical state that a manager has cannot be overstated. This means, of course, that the reverse is also true; a toxic work environment created and sustained by…

Big, Harry, and Audacious

As is fairly evident, I have decided to change the appearance of my blog somewhat. The reason for this is simple-I want to redirect the purposefulness of my entries and return to my initial desire for creating the blog. At the outset, I had intended on using this blog to enterprise myself in a project…